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Palm Tree Leaves

Can you 'do good' and be 'profitable'?

The modern sell on this question is 'NO'.


It's baked into everyday waking life and also most modern Western and Eastern cultures in some way, shape or form. Despite any ideological allegiances to either the notion of 'freedom for everyone' (how democracy and capitialism are pitched at us) or 'faireness for all' (how communism / socialism are pitched). Both in principle sound fantastic but both on execution, as history shows us,... sketchy.

Because most of the government, corporate and financial world loves to operate on a strategy of 'opportunism' in spite of any good intentions, which has garnered a lot of money for a lot of people i.e. if the opportunity is there to take advantage of your customer or people you work with without repurcussions but only financial gain for yourself - then you take it.

However is is really just these big giants that do all the nasty stuff. Not really. They are run by human beings and thus the reality is we as human beings are opportunistic at times (and for some of us all the time) as really a means to survive and thrive in this world.

But are we really surviving and thriving under that way of life anymore?

I experience this as a consumer every day of my life. Either though weird price hikes that happen with grocery shopping, property rentals, meals going out, petrol etc. The list goes on. Or deminished quality of products to help cut costs but not necessarily to keep jobs, but to instead to ensure that people get their perforamance bonuses and shareholders get their beefy dividents.

The list goes on.

Is this wrong? Many would argue you no. And many would say yes. Both are right... I know.... that's some hardcore fence sitting there but really it just depends on the outcomes you want to achieve and how you want to feel i.e.

If you say 'No' this is not wrong - well that's a fast path to getting a lot of hate and a lot of anxiety about watching your back. Something as human beings we don't really love, nor does it give us a great quality of life. But also is it sustainable? Not really. There is always a point were people will just leave, whether it's your customers who want a fairer deal and more love - after all most courtships on products start with great intentions of feeling all the love vibes - or just people who want a better quality of life and thus want to clear the decks from any toxicity.

If you say 'Yes' this is wrong - means probably you care about feelings of love and security. Being liked and respected. Overall you just want to feel good and for others that you care and love to also feel good around you.

But how... how could I be profitable ..nice?

Don't nice people or nice companies act as a moving target for the people of the 'No' camp?

Kind of yes and kind of no. (I know there I go again sitting on that fence)

I guess there are a few things to consider.

Trends and Facts - The 'No's' eventually get the boot...

The Swarm

What people want

Quality of life


How to change up?

What can you do to either flipping yourself from being a 'No' to a 'Yes' person... or how to be that 'Yes' person and hold the forte in being flawesome and feeling good about your professional / workflife.

  1. Be transparent - social media is showing people don't have issues with hooking up with those who may not be considered nice or ethical... but at least they are choosing to opt into that. Don't be rapey.

  2. Do you care? And if you do... do something about it.

  3. Do the math

  4. See the examples

Sometimes it's not hard to see why good people also become the best villans. Often these are people that have seen the futility in life.

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